
Women & Bikes (TM) for the Fight Against Cancer

September 26, 2012


Almost all of us have been touched by cancer in some way and sadly some have been touched more than once.  Greenville, South Carolina is a community that is passionate about cycling AND about raising money for cancer research.  Last year I participated in the Challenge to Conquer Cancer Ride To Austin and it touched me deeply.  The hard work and dedication by everyone was and is admirable.  Some of the riders are currently battling cancer which makes it even more amazing.  This year I decided to create a calendar that merged photography, cycling and raising money to fight this awful disease.  Each of these women graciously donated their time and allowed me the creative freedom to design this 18-month photo calendar…and all with heels on! Some are avid cyclists and others simply enjoy it as a recreation.  Either way, they all have their hearts in the right place and are ready to help raise money for the cause.

Thank you to everyone that participated – including all the girls, Pedal Chic, Cotton Rouge Makeup & Hair Design and Todd Williams of Magnolia Studios.  Two of the days we shot it was nearly 100 degrees and not one single person lost their smile in the process.  Two other girls had to work around some road rash after small accidents.  BUT that is all part of riding.  The last girl’s shoot was just finished and now we are ready to raise some money!!

Tell anyone and everyone about this gorgeous calendar because the more we sell the more money we have to donate 🙂

Your $50 donation will get you a printed copy of this beautiful 18-month calendar, a digital calendar to view on mobile devices AND you will be supporting a great cause.  This is a pre-order as it is much more cost effective to order in bulk.    I will provide a receipt mentioning that this is for a fundraising donation if you would like to write it off on your taxes.  Link to order is here:  ORDER

The cost to print is approximately $24 and the rest will all go to The Challenge To Conquer Cancer.

I sound like a broken record…but THANK YOU!  Link to storefront:  GET YOUR CALENDAR HERE



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  1. Thank you Anna!! Had a blast! I will get you your images so you can have them to keep 🙂

  2. Anna Childers says:

    So much fun Lisa! Thank you!

  3. Lisa says:

    I am super excited about the calendar and we are getting such incredible feedback!! I am getting many requests to do one with cancer survivors and that is awesome! So looks like we have more Women & Bikes (TM) calendars coming. YAY!!!

  4. Kayce LeNeave Sams says:

    Wow! So HOT! I spotted a few friends in the pictures too; Anna, Barbara, and Kendra 🙂

  5. WILLIAM says:

    Everyone looks spectacular.I cannot wait to get my calender!!!

  6. Bernadette Cooper says:

    beautiful girls,
    I think it would be nice to have a calender and use real cancer survivors with their bike.

  7. deborah says:

    Beautiful work. Posing in a calendar with Melanie Hincapie takes a lot of self confidence. These ladies look incredible. I only wish you had selected am more representative cross section of female cyclists….we come in all shapes, colors sizes and ages…..not just the stereotypical one the media protrays. Cancer affects all women.

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