
Ways To Go Green

April 22, 2007

This is something way off the topic of portrait photography; however, it is fun to post things from time to time that are not related.  My kids are always hearing words such as ”reduce, reuse, recycle" or "global warming" and wonder what all of this means.  We are also now one of the many HUGE fans of "Planet Earth" on Discovery channel.  Wow, if you have not seen it, you must check it out as it is amazing!  When you become aware of all the changes that need to take place to make our planet healthy you are often left wondering what you can do.  As my oldest son will say when he sees the pollution cloud in our city, "mom, people need to stop driving cars and stop using factories because it is making our air brown!".  While I know that is not the solution, it is cute to hear him think on such a large scale 🙂  Well, on the right side of my blog I have posted a link to earth friendly light bulbs.  Have I switched my house yet?  Uhm, no.  I posted this in my blog to remind me that this is something I plan on doing this summer and just wanted to pass it along to any of you that might be interested. 

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