Anna & Robert | the engagement session

October 22, 2013

Anna was one of my first clients when I moved to the Greenville area several years ago and I adored her from the moment I met her. We stayed in touch, occasionally got together, did several more shoots and have even worked together on a wedding when she was there doing makeup. Anna is really special to me and when one of her besties called me to say that Anna was getting married and to save the date…I was ecstatic!! The cool thing is that the one who called me was one of my brides that I met through Anna and now Miss Sarah is someone dear to my heart as well. Can you tell I love my brides?? Anna & Robert are a super couple and I couldn’t be any happier for them to start this new chapter together. A BIG congrats!!!

When we talked about the engagement session, Anna mentioned that they wanted something a bit different and a bit more fashion inspired. I was like “of course!!”. Fashion is still the root of my photography and so it got my wheels turning thinking of what we could do. What they chose to wear really fit the location and I am thrilled with the results. I must also give a big shout out to Leslie Kerrigan for stopping by to help out. Anna wanted a couple of photos with Robert’s truck because as she says “It’s his baby and is always working on it.” The funny part was when we finished, she said “Just watch, I know he is itching to clean it now.” and when we turned around, Robert was wiping off the hood. Needless to say, we finished with a lot of laughs!

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Thank you for stopping by!


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  1. Sarah Chavous says:

    STUNNING!!! Absolutely gorgeous! Love their love and such a beautiful couple. Love the look, beautiful, edgy, yet soft, just stunning!

  2. Sheri Stowe says:

    Lisa, I am Robert’s mom and this brought me to tears. Absolutely beautiful. You captured their thoughts for each other with each picture. The song was perfect. This will be something I will cherish forever.

  3. Janice Roper says:

    Beautiful Couple and Beautiful Photography. Congratulations To You Both!


  4. Victor Yee says:

    Once again, you did a great job Lisa, i LOVE your style, keep shooting great art and thanks for sharing.

    You are such a talented and beautiful photographer

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