
This is the last slideshow that shares our tour up until we reach Austin. While the music on this show is very upbeat and high energy, there was a lot going on emotionally at this point in the trip and I cannot get through this one without the tears flowing. And speaking of music, these slideshows would not be complete without the Wobble song!! Riders and support were extremely sleep deprived, sore and craving a real meal. What many may not realize about the vans for the riders is that they were VERY cramped. Imagine being very cramped after riding 100 miles! Too all the teams: you are simply AH-MAZING!! A shout out to support…Maribel was always taking care of her peeps. I knew she was exhausted but she managed to put together a quick sandwich for her riders to help them recover after a ride. Keith’s bed consisted of a hammock on the bus and was handed McDonald’s when we were able to drive it by him. Jerry ALWAYS had a smile no matter how tired he was and was so good and cheering his team on. Cara & Jennifer…well need I say more??? Uhm, awesome! Sally wore that pink cancer cape everywhere and wore it go girl! Dave was just steady eddie, which is a darned good thing. Jeff & Dawn, did you two ever require sleep? I never even saw you complain ONCE! Mimms & Tom, thanks for the many giggles along the way. Kelly was simply amazing at getting everyone their massages when needed and did so with a smile ๐Ÿ™‚ Taylor is the Energizer Bunny x4 and when he hit the wall, he hit it hard. This was about the time that I said it was time for me to drive – no questions. And yes, I had my moments too. But a moment I didn’t expect to have was a very emotional one. The midnight to 6 am shifts had one night of In Honor of Miles and then the In Memory of Miles. We were connected by radio and the names started to flow and then silence while they rode in the dark. Well, you can only imagine the intensity of emotions at that time. There were WAY TOO MANY names mentioned during those miles. But that is why we are here. Yes it is fun & games, giggles & tears, music & beer, miles & pain, accomplishment & some defeat. But it all boils down to one thing…we want to find that DAMN cure for cancer. This is why we ride.

Stay tuned for the final show that shares our Austin experience ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for taking the time to view all of these!


C3 Ride to Austin pt. 4

October 29, 2011

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I'm Lisa! Brand, commercial & portrait photographer based in Greenville, SC. Take a moment and browse the blog as well as my portfolio.  
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Are you ready to have a ton of fun, feel freaking amazing & have photos to reflect that?  Let's GO!

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