
I am so very excited about phase one of my brand new look thanks to Ellen Petty of Identity Kitchen!!! Wow, this has been a long process with a lot of time and emotion invested. Ellen and I can probably look back at times during this process and laugh at the crazy happenings. There was a point when I realized the initial logo was something I couldn’t go with and I pitched a little hissy fit, tears and all. No kidding. Ellen then reassured me that the next go around would be even better and it would be perfect for me. She was right. I have a new appreciation for logo and brand design. What looks to be easy is actually quite difficult to get just right. We tweaked, changed and fussed over little details to get it just right. Since I decided to go for a whole new kind of logo, I found it fitting to change colors as well.
In addition to changing my look, I have opted for a shorter domain and email address. That will not go into effect until my new website goes live. I will have my previous llooooonggg domain forward to my new shorter one which will be and my new email will be That is HUGE for me because I would often hear sighs when someone would ask for my website and email information…it took forever to write it all down 🙂 My website should be ready within a week and I cannot wait. We wanted to launch all of them together, but it was becoming difficult when I have two designers in California, one in Australia.
Here is a look at my new business and note cards.

I adore how these turned out! Ellen suggested we do letterpress printed cards and I can only imagine how beautiful these will be once I receive them.
Sorry for the mixture of colors and logos right now. The whole new look should be finished in about a week.
Thank you Ellen and Tea Brennan of LinkArtist Multimedia for all your hard work!!


I Awoke To A Brand New Blog :)

September 25, 2008

the latest

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The Perfect Portrait Presets

Let it LOOK like I took your photos... all with your own iPhone. These presets allow you to edit your images in just clicks. 

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I cannot wait to get to know you and work together!  Let's do this! 

Let's Work Together

I'm Lisa! Brand, commercial & portrait photographer based in Greenville, SC. Take a moment and browse the blog as well as my portfolio.  
Let's connect and make the photo magic happen!

Meet Lisa

your photos should be

as fun as you are.

Are you ready to have a ton of fun, feel freaking amazing & have photos to reflect that?  Let's GO!

tell me more!