The Hrubala’s are a family that I have had the pleasure of knowing very well for years. Watching the kids grow up and taking their pictures along the way has been so much fun. The first thing I thought of when we were meeting for this session was that I wasn’t chasing kids around, in fact they were coming to me!! “Miss Lisa, how about over here?” or “Can we take this photo?”. I loved every minute of it and am excited to share some of the images.
Thank you for stopping by.
My beautiful Beth, how I wish I were close enough to be an
active part of your fantastic family. I keep the pic of you, Leigh, and Charles, Jr., when you were toddlers on my
refrigerator. My, how we have all changed! Your mom and I
keep in touch via email, but hope to get in a visit in 2010.
All my love to you and yours……..