
MaLinda + Luis | the engagement session

September 24, 2014

In all the years of living in South Carolina and going to a variety of locations for shoots and weddings, I can say that I have never been to Winthrop University…it’s a beautiful campus!! MaLinda & Luis wanted to meet there for their engagement session since this is the university that Luis attended. The moment I met this awesome couple I couldn’t help but notice how much fun they are around each other and their amazing smiles! As we walked around to various locations, I was asking how they met, what they do, about their wedding plans…etc. During those conversations, MaLinda had mentioned a few times that she wanted to pull her hair back. I said that my hair is curly and thick too AND has she ever used Moroccan Oil products. She said she has and has used other similar products. This led us to talk about their first date. Luis said that they went to see a movie and he never saw the end of of it. This was a movie he really wanted to see too! So my next question was “Why not?”. He said “Because I feel asleep in her hair. That product has THE best smell and it put me right to sleep!”. I have to agree…it does smell fabulous..but what a great story ๐Ÿ™‚ That was their beginning and now they are close to saying their ‘I Do’s’. It’s always fun to hear how two people meet and fall in love.

Thank you MaLinda & Luis for a great afternoon full of many laughs!! I wish you both so much happiness in your future.

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Thank you for stopping by!


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  1. Thank you SO very much Luis!!! I loved working with you and MaLinda! ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Luis Rodriguez says:

    OMG! Lisa, these are spectacular! Thank you so much for your amazing eye and talent for getting perfect shots. I couldn’t be happier.

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