
Meet Rhiannon, one of our fabulous girls representing Lisa Carpenter Photography for the Class of 2013!  After working with Rhiannon on a previous shoot, I knew that she was a perfect fit to be a Senior Model for a wide range of reasons.  Her personality is just as magnetic and beautiful as her smile.  Speaking of smile, we laughed and laughed and laughed the entire time.  There were even a few silly faces to be made which I had to capture because this captures her personality in such a fun way.  I cannot tell you how much I LOVE doing these sessions and it is even better when my senior loves it too and walks away feeling amazing.  Thank you Katie Cotton for doing an incredible job on Rhiannon’s hair and makeup and for keeping it beautifully natural.  Below are individual photos and the slideshow with music is under the posted pictures.  Be sure to check us out on Facebook and leave some fun comments for Rhiannon.

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Rhiannon | Class of 2013 Senior Model

July 3, 2012

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I cannot wait to get to know you and work together!  Let's do this! 

Let's Work Together

I'm Lisa! Brand, commercial & portrait photographer based in Greenville, SC. Take a moment and browse the blog as well as my portfolio.  
Let's connect and make the photo magic happen!

Meet Lisa

your photos should be

as fun as you are.

Are you ready to have a ton of fun, feel freaking amazing & have photos to reflect that?  Let's GO!

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